Friday, March 2, 2012

When does this happen?

So, one of my best friends is getting married in May, Cinco de Mayo to be exact (it was the first available Saturday in May) Anyway... Laura is getting married in two months. Crazy. We are celebrating her bachelorette party next weekend in Vivaaaaa Las Vegas (it's more fun if you sing it that way) I was told to put together something special for her, my own memory book of the two of us. The past few days I've been looking at old photos and I just can't believe it. We always say, "Oh man, where does the time go?" I actually really meant it this time, where did the time go? When does this happen?

These pictures have transported me; looking at our childish, (in my case) round, innocent, happy faces... I just, I can't believe it. With each photo I can go back to that exact moment in our lives....

-Posing for a snapshot in the 5th grade breeze-way (we were 4th graders at best)

-Sea shell hunting in Mexico with our girl scout troupe

-Our 5th grade band recital (we only played the clarinet for like a semester then we quit)

-Funny pictures from 6th grade camp on Mt. Lemmon

-Standing by the flag pole on our last day of being 7th graders

-Hanging out in Mr. V's class on our last day of being 8th graders

-Standing in front of an important person's grave on our 8th grade field trip (I can't remember who was buried there because we were too busy attempting to flirt with a boy who was also on his 8th grade field trip... we nick-named him the black stallion. This attempt was unsuccessful, we had better luck at the air and space museum... God bless our chaperons.)

-Driving the quads out to the homestead on my Grandma's ranch

-Mouth full of toothpaste before bedtime on our regular sleep-overs

-Proudly posing before our first real high school party

-Surprise trip to California for Katelyn's birthday, when Laura and I decided, "... we only ride ze best waves!"

-The night we spent at The Hilton El Conquistador so we could watch the band Ryanhood play poolside (we were so cool)

-A clear fashion record of freshman, sophomore, junior and senior formals

-Looking sassy for our first time partying as college kids

-Our moments of freedom when we turned 21

My favorite picture of Laura and I was taken on the night of our High School graduation; we are standing in the middle of the field among a shimmering sea of purple people eaters. I have what seems like millions of pictures with Laura and I don't know why but I LOVE this picture. I think it just captures us.

...the list goes on. These are only the pictures I've stumbled upon, it's only a scratch to the surface of the memories that we have made. Somewhere between the 2nd grade and now, Laura and I, we grew up.

I repeat: When does this happen?

Four moments compete for the memories I WISH I had a picture of.

1. The night when Katelyn and I couldn't fall asleep so we crept like ninjas to stick maxi-pads all over Laura; and because that wasn't good enough lobbed tampons at her from across the room. With the ammo we used we were sure she would have been set on supplies up til menopause. Laura did not think this was funny at all, she was actually kind of pissed off about it... Katelyn and I laughed until we cried. (Maybe 14)

2. The moment when Laura literally peed her pants because we were sure one the gardeners from 49ers was trying to murder us with his weed-wacker in broad daylight. To this day I'm convinced that's what would have happened if we didn't make a run for it... he was coming straight at us in his golf cart, weed-wacker at the ready. (Maybe 12)

3. The day that Laura said, in so many words, that we were too old to be going out back and make weird mud pies from dry dirt and mesquite leaves. I remember this moment vividly, Katelyn and I were stunned. Laura... was too old to play make believe? What? At some point, I don't know when, Katelyn and I were too old as well, to be going out back to make weird mud pies. Laura was the first of us to grow up, and she will be the first of our best friend trio to get married. (I can't remember how old)

4. The past few months Laura and I have been meeting every Thursday at 3:30 to walk through Sabino Canyon, I cherish this routine. With the exception of the Thursday when I was sick so we just sat at gabbed, and this last Thursday when we went to go pick up her wedding shoes along with some spanx for under her wedding dress that wouldn't TOTALLY freak Marc out; with the exception of these two Thursdays we have been walking through the desert that we call home. We walk and talk about anything and everything. It feels like it did when were younger and used to hang out every weekend, without fail. As May 5th draws nearer, I spend my Thursdays hiding weepy eyes under ridiculous sunglasses; this is not a sad action, as if to say that Laura getting married means an end to the way of our friendship, it's a happy realization of... Who is this beautiful woman to my left (we have assigned sides) and how did I get the privilege of being one of her best friends for the last 16 years. Laura is kind and smart, she is so giving and wonderful, she is beautiful beyond belief and she is above all, a good person. I love this woman. I love my Thursdays with Laura and I wish I had a picture of it.

I'm not sure when this happens, growing older. I'm only sure of how blessed I am, I am so blessed by wonderful enduring friendships and a beautiful family. Thank you God.